Teaching your puppy to lie down

Teaching a Puppy to Lie Down

Teaching your puppy to lie down can be a bit tricky for some dogs, but never fear. Where there is a will there is away and sometimes it just takes persistance. First start will telling your dog to sit, reward with a treat. Second hold your treat in hand, once your dog is sat get out your gooey voice and tell them a job well done, pause and then repeat the words “lie down” you lay your hand on the floor. Your dog should smell the treat and lower themselves in order to sniff. They may not understand straight away but any movement downwards whilst sitting can be rewarded. Please note that the next time you repeat this, your dog must go lower in order to be rewarded. You can repeat this until your dog has laid fully down.

Once you are confident your dog can lay down with your hand on the floor, you can progress by asking your dog to sit with your hand cupped in front of your chest. Then ask your dog to lie down whilst you lower your hand to your hips. It is the same process as before, reward for small downward movements first, and slowly extend them until your dog has fully laid down.


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