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Clicker Training Is A Great Non-Violent Way To Train Dogs And Other Animals
Dog clicker training is very simple and easy to master, and it can be used to train dogs and other animals as well. The most important concept to remember when using clicker training is that it provides a nearly instant reward when the desired behaviour is exhibited. When a behaviour is rewarded, it is highly likely to be repeated.
Take baby steps.
When using clicker training, you need to examine each behavior you wish to teach and break it down into small components. A step by step approach is easier for animals to understand and master. Repeat each step of the behavior individually until the animal you are working with can perform it easily. Move progressively from one step to the next until the entire behavior is mastered.
Clicking provides instant rewards.
The reward your dog or other animal receives comes in the form of the clicking sound you make using the dog clicker when the animal does a good job. This sound comes to represent your being pleased with the animal’s behavior. For this reason, when you first start clicker training your immediate task will be to teach your dog to understand that the clicking sound indicates he or she has done a good job and you are pleased. Once you have established the click as a positive reinforcement, it is important that you click at the exact moment when the desired behavior happens.
Keep it simple at the start.
Start out clicker training by simply using the clicker to get your animal’s attention. When you click and the animal looks at you, praise and give a treat. This will help your dog connect the clicking sound with the desired behavior (in this case paying attention to you). This gives you a solid base to build on so that you can teach other behaviors.
The dog clicker is a communication tool.
Always keep your dog clicker in a safe place away from children and others. It is a communication tool between you and your dog. If someone else gets hold of it, they could confuse your dog and unravel all your good work.
Using a dog clicker makes it possible to reinforce good behaviours immediately and discreetly.You will not have to pepper your conversations with humans with praise for your pet because you will be able to click to your pet!
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