How do I get my dog to listen
How do I get my dog to listen Some dogs are very hyperactive, their attention span is very small. This can be problematic whilst training, but definitely workable. First you should look at your dog’s diet, sometimes the food you are feeding can create quite a hyperactive personality due to additives and ingredients that are not too desirable. Essential oils are also proven to calm a dog down, this is also worth looking into, I have had good experiences with Valerian root and lavender oils and putting them in the dog’s favourite places.
Otherwise, I find clicker training a good way to keep their attention, this requires a clicker, of course, and some treats. Treats can be anything the dogs like, I always find tinned tuna and boiled chicken a good way to go when training, they are healthy and basically unlimited in terms of portions. You can be sure they won’t be going to the toilet too much afterwards.
So let’s get to it. Clicker training is very simple and can be used for a variety of tricks and talents. First your dog needs to get used to the clicker so click it a few times so he is used to the noise, sometimes dogs can feel a bit intimidated, especially in shy breeds. Once they are curious, every time you click reward with a small treat. Do this up to 8 times, this should ensure your dog understands that the clicker means treat time! Ask your dog to do some simple tasks such as come, sit, wait etc. Once they have completed the task make a click and reward them. Before rewarding ensure your dog is by your side in the desired position. Wait longer and longer between completion, click and reward each time. This will make your dog want to pay attention in order to receive his reward. After a few times replace your treats with affection. Then walk out of the room into another and click your clicker, your dog should come running to your side waiting for a task. Ask them to sit by your side, click and reward once completed.
You should find that your dog will now have half an ear always waiting for that clicker noise, so whenever you want him to pay attention you can click click click and he should be by your side hanging on your every word. The ultimate test would be to take them out and let them off in a safe environment. Let them have a little run around then call them over, if they do not respond, make a click and they should be by your side within seconds.
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