how to house train your dog

How to House train your dog

How To House Train Your Dog

Whether your dog is a puppy or an adult dog, the steps to house training are fairly similar. The most efficient, effective and humane way to potty train your dog is to use crate training. In this article, we will describe the basic crate training method.

Before you bring your dog home, you should have his or her equipment ready and waiting. This includes the right food, food and water dishes, appropriate toys, leash and collar and a crate to be used as a sanctuary where your dog can sleep and feel safe.

The crate should be big enough for your adult dog to stand up and turn around. If your dog is a puppy, you will want to put a box in the crate for sleeping until your puppy gets bigger.

You should never use the crate as punishment. Understand that it is your dog’s private room. He or she should always feel safe and protected in the crate.

Crating your dog at night while you sleep or when you are out is not mean. It is an effective way to protect your home and belongings from destructive chewing and to train your dog to only go potty at the right time and in the right place. Here’s how that works.

When you bring your dog home, take him straight to the place in your yard where you want him to potty. Stay there for a few minutes to give him a chance to go. If/when he does, praise generously. Always go back to that same place for your dog to do his business.

Before you go to bed at night, take your dog to his potty place to relieve himself. Take him straight inside and put him to bed in his crate. First thing in the morning, take him right back out to his potty place.

Before you go out, take your dog to his potty place to relieve himself and then take him straight to his crate to wait for your return. When you return, take him right out to his potty place.

Every time your dog potties appropriately, praise him or her generously. If your dog has an accident, don’t freak out. Just redirect him to his potty place and clean up quickly and thoroughly so that he won’t be attracted to the wrong place again by the smell.

Only use your dog’s crate as a sleeping place where your dog can stay when you are asleep or away. Don’t put food and water in the crate as it will make a mess, and don’t leave your dog in the crate for extremely long periods of time. If you must be gone for more than six hours, have someone come and take your dog out to relieve himself, get food and water and go for a walk as needed.

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