Dear Friend,
Your dog is laughing at your commands but it’s not your fault.
My name is Jay and have had the absolute privilege of learning from one of the best dog trainers in the world.
He has trained 1000’s of dogs more if you count the dogs he has helped through his TV show.
My Dog Used To Laugh At My Commands I have gone from having a dog that would jump and scratch my visitors, bark at everything that moved, pull my arm out of it’s socket when walking on the lead.
I was pulling my hair out until by total fluke I was befriended by a famous dog trainer and brought into his inner circle he taught me a very simple truth that I’m going to teach you on this very page.
The Simple Secret That He Taught Me Changed Everything
I’m also going to share a SECRET that a lot of dog trainers keep to themselves.
I’m going to share with you a wickedly effective TOOL that all great dog trainers use.
……. If your dog pulls excessively on the lead when walking
….. or If your dog jumps the fence
…… or Barks excessively
….. or Jumps on visitors
…. or Won’t come when called
… or Chews on items they shouldn’t be
…. or Any other behavioral issue your dog the list is endless.
They can all be solved by this one SECRET
I would just like to say it’s NOT YOUR FAULT if the above things has happened to you. This information isn’t general knowledge and is only known by the select few. BE WARNED Once implemented your dog will act a different way.
The BAD NEWS is that you have probably never heard or been told about this dog training SECRET I’m about to tell you. The good news is I’m about to tell you on this very page.
This tool & technique isn't
.....this technique isn't all about positive reinforcement either
The SECRET is that you dog doesn’t see you as the the alpha.
You see dogs are pack animals they are used to having an alpha. A top dog that keeps them in the place and keeps them in rank if they think they are above you in rank they won't do anything for you.
Your dog is laughing at you IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT you're human you don’t know how a dog thinks. That is until now……. My friend Dan wants this information in as many hands as possible because he knows That the number 1 reason dogs end up in shelters is because once they get past the puppy stage people can’t handle their dogs anymore this can be solved by implementing his very special technique.
We need to get this into as many hands a s possible
He usually charges $200 dollars for a house visit and $50 per person in half an hour group sessions to teach this technique.
No matter how hard he tries he can’t get his information into enough hands.
So he wants to give it away for FREE
He wants to give it away for FREE but also wants to give you the very tool he uses to shape behavior for absolutely FREE as well.
All we are asking is that you pick up the postage and handling so we can send out your dog clicker. Which is a total bargain when we are talking about the getting advice from the best dog trainer on the planet.
Also to make sure you know there is no funny business we will be Doubling Your Order For FREE at the checkout at no extra cost or postage. I wasn’t meant to tell you that I was meant to just surprise you with it when you hit the button just below or at the bottom of the page.
We Don't Have Many To Give Away But I wanted to give you the best opportunity to take me up on this offer.
As you can imagine when giving stuff away you can’t over commit we have 297 left to give away and I have asked Dan if he would mention this offer on his TV show this week and my friend Ric who sells all types of dog products has emailed his subscribers earlier than I wanted him too about the offer.
I will also be using my FAMOUS double your value Guarantee. It’s simple if you're dog clicker arrives damaged or isn’t what you expected I will send you out another one for free and give you a refund So there’s Zero risk to you.
So in summary here is what you are getting today.
- You will getting my how to train your dog with a clicker report usually $17 FREE. This is super ninja walk through of clicker training as if Dan is right beside whispering all his clicker training wisdom in your ear.
- You will get Dan's become the alpha report that Dan has made just for this usually $27 dollars FREE. This the stuff he usually only teaches 1 on 1. This stuff is super advanced and has been put in a result maximizing report.
- Plus you get the your 2 x FREE dog clickers because we will be DOUBLING THE ORDER FREE at the checkout. This is awesome if you lose one or you can give one to your partner or friend.
Don’t be fooled by the length of these reports they have been made short and impactful so there is no resistance to implementing the content.
Just as a WORD OF WARNING if you don’t want better behaved dog or if you DON’T think you have what is takes to follow a 4 step report.
This offer ISN'T FOR YOU and I will have plenty of people who really need this report and Free dog clickers.
We don’t want blow hards taking this offer. We just want players people who want dogs that are well trained and not out of control.
Quite frankly Dan’s sick and tired of seeing dog training offers that are engineered without morals.
His stuff flat out works. So please only get this if you can follow through with the report.
How To Get Yours
That said if you want one just click the Orange button below so that you can enter your postage information and pay the very small postage and handling.
I use PayPal as it is one of the safest ways to pay online. The best thing about PayPal is you don’t have to be a member of PayPal to use their service.
Limited stock available get yours today
If for any reason you have a problem with your dog clicker or you can’t get your dog to respond with our report I will not only refund you but I will also send you another dog clicker absolutely FREE I will even pay the postage and handling.
P.S. Hope you love the free dog clicker can’t wait to see your results.
P.P.S If you really care about your dog but are still on the fence don’t believe me read the testimonials.
If for any reason you have a problem with your dog clicker or you can’t get your dog to respond with our report I will not only refund you but I will also send you another dog clicker absolutely FREE I will even pay the postage and handling.
Best Tool In The World For Training Your Dog
Claim Your Free Dog Clicker, Report And 5 Free Dog Training Videos
Stocks are LIMITED so please grab yours now.
100% Absolutely FREE!
If for any reason you have a problem with your dog clicker or you can’t get your dog to respond with our report I will not only refund you but I will also send you another dog clicker absolutely FREE I will even pay the postage and handling.